classical studies 意味

発音を聞く:   classical studiesの例文
  • classical studies


  1. he was a talented poet and had a deep understanding of classical studies .
  2. after becoming a priest , he made remarkable achievements as an expert of yusoku kojitsu (court and samurai rules of ceremony and etiquette ) and classical studies .
  3. in classical studies , he has written in ' jikkosho ' about the interpretations of sogi on ' kokin wakashu ' (a collection of ancient and modern japanese poetry ), and ' chokusen meisho-waka shoshitsu ' ' genji nannyo sozoku sho .'
  4. next , in the edo period , research on ritsuryo by both scholars of chinese classics and scholars of japanese classical studies flourished , and yoshichika tsuboi (1657 - 1735 ), kada no azumamaro , michikuni inaba (1744 - 1801 ), hidekai kawamura , hidene kawamura , moriyoshi sonoda (1785 - 1840 ), and yoshiki kondo are among those who left commentaries , but the center of the research was still on hermeneutics .
    ついで江戸時代に入ると漢学者、国学者の双方による律令研究が盛行し、注釈書を残した者に壺井義知(つぼいよしちか)(1657‐1735)、 荷田春満(かだのあずままろ)、稲葉通邦(いなばみちくに)(1744‐1801)、 河村秀穎(ひでかい)、河村秀根(ひでね)、 薗田守良(そのだもりよし)(1785‐1840)、 近藤芳樹などがあるが、依然として研究の中心は解釈学におかれていた。


        classical:     classical adj. 古典の, 古典風の. 【副詞】 The design of the building was chastely classical. その建物の設計は簡素な古典調だった. 【+前置詞】 He is very classical in his tastes. とても古典趣味だ.
        studies:    studies 学業 がくぎょう
        classical absorption:    古典吸収{こてん きゅうしゅう}
        classical analysis:    古典派的分析{こてんは てき ぶんせき}
        classical and colloquial:    classical and colloquial 雅俗 がぞく
        classical antiquity:    ギリシャ?ローマ古典時代{こてん じだい}
        classical approach:    古典派的接近法{こてんは てき せっきんほう}
        classical approximation:    古典近似{こてん きんじ}
        classical architect:    クラシック様式{ようしき}の建築家{けんちくか}
        classical art:    古典芸術{こてん げいじゅつ}
        classical author:    古典著者{こてん ちょしゃ}
        classical boundary:    古典的境界{こてん てき きょうかい}
        classical cepheid:    classical Cepheid 古典的ケフェイド[航宇]
        classical composer:    クラシック音楽{おんがく}の作曲家{さっきょくか}
        classical concept:    古典的概念{こてん てき がいねん}


  1. "classical sector" 意味
  2. "classical spin system" 意味
  3. "classical stance" 意味
  4. "classical statistical mechanics" 意味
  5. "classical strength" 意味
  6. "classical style" 意味
  7. "classical style mansion" 意味
  8. "classical system" 意味
  9. "classical system theory" 意味
  10. "classical statistical mechanics" 意味
  11. "classical strength" 意味
  12. "classical style" 意味
  13. "classical style mansion" 意味

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